In short
For the last five years, universal robots has been associated with Aurolab, an integral part of Aravind eye care systems. It is a non-profit healthcare organization in India whose products are exported to more than 130 countries worldwide, with focus markets like India, Africa, Latin America, Central America, and Southeast Asia.
- Industry: Medical & Cosmetics
- Country: India
- Number of Employees: 500-1000
- Cobot used: UR5
The challenge
Among the solutions that Aurolab provides to NGOs and hospitals globally is their cataract kit, which comprises of products used in cataract surgery, as well as intraocular lenses that assist people in regaining vision after the operation.
Precision and accuracy were extremely pivotal for the entire manufacturing process of the intraocular lenses, for tasks such as material handling and pick and place of the components. Thus, Aurolab collaborated with one of Universal Robots distributors in India, GI India Automation and Systems Pvt. Ltd. to optimize their manufacturing processes.
Watch how UR cobots handle the Aurolab lenses
Safety first
With Aurolab’s vision in understanding the benefits of collaborative robots, people are now benefitting and regaining their vision more rapidly.
Automation challenges solved:
Catered top tasks that required flexibility, productivity and reliability
Increased productivity and quality
ROI less than 2 years
Key value drivers:
0.1mm repeatability precision
Easy, safe and collaborative in nature
Lowest running costs – no amc required and extremely low power consumption
Can operate without a cage (subject to application risk assessments) in space constrained areas
Tasks solved by collaborative robots:
Material handling
Pick and place